Chemical Peels

An Excellent Solution For Your Skin

A chemical peel is a chemical solution applied to the skin’s surface to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration of the skin such as sun and age spots. Chesapeake Skin Solutions offers a variety of medical-grade peels, including the VI Peel™, and the Obagi Blue Radiance Peel. Free consultation and skin care analysis with one of our medical professionals will help determine which peel is right for you.

A woman 's face with different skin types and their results.
A woman and man are standing in front of each other.

VI Peel™ and VI Peel Body™

The VI Peel is a medical-grade peel that will improve the tone, texture, and clarity of the skin; reduce or eliminate age spots, freckles, and hyper-pigmentation, including melasma; soften lines and wrinkles; clear acne skin conditions; reduce or eliminate acne scars; and stimulate the production of collagen for firmer, more youthful skin.

Obsolete peels of the past, without exception, epitomize the “no pain, no gain” approach to skin care. Before VI Peel, the deeper the peel, the more painful, the more downtime, the better the results. VI Peel is the first next-generation aesthetic. It is painless, yet produces dramatic, visible results in just days with little downtime

The VI Peel is a true, restorative, and painless repair of damaged skin including sun damage and acne. Best of all, it is a great anti-aging "preventive maintenance" peel for younger skin that has no visible signs of damage.

The VI Peel Body is the first and ONLY professional grade ody peel for all skin types and tones that is specifically designed to reduce pigmentation, clear body acne, fade surgical scars and smooth away stretch marks. 

Obagi Blue Peel RADIANCE®

The Obagi Blue Peel RADIANCE® is a safe, mild salicylic acid-based peel that can address the signs of aging, sun damage, and other skin conditions. This peel produces quick results: patients will see an overall improvement in skin texture and tone, as well as improvement of acne scarring and other skin imperfections. Skin appears brighter, healthier, and more radiant and feels softer and tighter.

Pre/Post Chemical Peel Care

  • Use a physical sunscreen with at least an SPF 30+ every day rain or shine for at least three weeks prior to and after the treatment (with sun avoidance as much as possible).

  • Avoid retinoids, topical antibiotics, exfoliants, hydroquinone, and benzoyl peroxide 5 days prior to the treatment.

  • Do not go to a tanning booth for at least three weeks before or after the treatment.

  • No significant changes in the skin recently reported prior to the treatment including the breakdown of the skin or excessive dryness or sunburn.

  • Take an antiviral agent for 3 days prior to and day of treatment if history of cold sores.

  • Skin is clean without lotion, oil, makeup, powder, perfume, or sunscreen on day of treatment. The client may wash their face in the office upon arrival.

  • Inform the provider of any relevant changes in your medical history and of all medications you are taking.

  • Do not pick or pull on any loosening or exfoliating skin after the treatment. This could potentially cause hyperpigmentation.

  • Do not have laser facial treatments or facial waxing for 5 days after the treatment.

  • Follow all instructions provided to you by your clinician.